
Pioneer Trail Pedestrian Improvements Project Wins Lake Tahoe Best in Basin Award
The TRPA awarded the City of South Lake Tahoe and NCE a 2013 Best in the Basin award for the Pioneer Trail Pedestrian Improvements Project. NCE’s services included developing the preliminary and final design plans, specifications, and cost estimate; setting up the Stormwater Multi-Application Reporting and Tracking System (SMARTS) database; and preparing the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Project implementation included extensive public outreach, facilitation of rights-of-entry on privately owned parcels within the project area, and compliance with Caltrans (E-76 documentation). NCE also provided engineering support services during construction.
The improvements included 5-foot-wide pedestrian walkways, driveway transitions, Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant pedestrian ramps, LED sidewalk lighting, bus pads, and bus shelters (installed by the Tahoe Transportation District) along both sides of Pioneer Trail from Highway 50 to Larch Avenue. The design incorporated transit, walking, and biking elements to provide benefits such as access to goods and services and improved health and well-being for the local population.