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Sierra Boulevard Complete Streets Project Wins Best in Basin Award
February 5, 2021
The City of South Lake’s Tahoe’s full rehabilitation of Sierra Boulevard earned a 2019 Best in the Basin Award from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA). NCE assisted the City in all phases of this multidisciplinary project, including planning, public outreach, design, and permitting for the 0.63-mile arterial road. Design incorporated features to enable safe, convenient, and comfortable travel access for multiple users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.
NCE prepared the following for the project:
- Technical studies for hydrology and hydraulics.
- Geotechnical report.
- Traffic study and alternatives assessment.
- Native American consultation.
- Section 106 compliance documents.
- Natural environment study.
- Section 4(f) compliance evaluation.
- Aerially deposited lead survey.
- Visual assessment memo.
- NEPA Categorical Exclusion .
- CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration.