

Shaping the Interaction Between Infrastructure and Nature

Using the unique character of each setting, NCE's landscape architects design projects that are innovative, unique, and responsive to the local community and ecosystem. Vision and resourcefulness, coupled with our ability to listen closely to clients, community, funders, agency staff, and other stakeholders are the cornerstones of NCE’s success in delivering projects that soften the lines between infrastructure and nature while meeting the goals of each stakeholder.

Landscape Architecture Services

NCE’s landscape architects collaborate closely with our in-house civil engineers, biologists, pavement experts, and permitting specialists to design and implement landscape projects ranging from urban trails and parks to green infrastructure and complete streets. We also provide community outreach and engagement processes for public and institutional projects, including detailed and creative visualizations, and draw design inspiration from the input, insights, and needs of the future generations. NCE’s landscape architects provide clients with a comprehensive and personalized set of design services.

  • Complete Streets
  • Streetscapes
  • Green Infrastructure
  • Parks

  • Trails and Parks
  • Habitat Restoration
  • Urban
  • Institutional

  • Interpretive
  • Resiliency
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