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The statewide average PCI for local roads/streets is 66. This “at risk” condition indicates that current maintenance funds – including HUTA, RMRA, and local measures – are insufficient. Commonly, multiple vehicles (e.g., garbage, recycling, organics) regularly collect waste, and utilities cut pavements to access underground equipment. These vehicles and services cause pavement damage, which can translate to equivalent maintenance dollars and then be charged to waste/utility companies. Damage fees charged to waste management and utility companies are two funding sources that can help bolster an agency’s pavement maintenance program.
Learn how some Southern California agencies have successfully secured these funding sources to bolster their pavement maintenance programs during the 25th annual APWA annual public works (PWX) expo. NCE’s Vivek Jha, will present Don’t Throw Paving Dollars Out with the Trash at annual APWA SoCal PWX. The annual event provides education to the public works community in engineering, operations, management, and technology.
With nearly 15 years of experience delivering complex pavement projects involving design and evaluation, rehabilitation and maintenance, and pavement and asset management, Mr. Jha is a licensed engineer in Maryland and New Jersey. He earned a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from Sardar Patel College of Engineering in Mumbai, Inda, and a Master of Science in civil engineering from Rowan University. Vivek serves as NCE’s Southern California Operations Manager.
Connect with Vivek Jha, MS, P.E. | LinkedIn