2008-2022 California Statewide Local Streets and Roads Needs Assessments

California (statewide)

Assessing non-pavement assets is particularly challenging because few agencies have comprehensive inventory data, and data on replacement costs and service life are virtually non-existent.
Project Description

NCE has conducted the California Statewide needs assessment for pavement and non-pavement needs biennially since 2008. All transportation assets related to the local infrastructure system are included such as streets and roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, storm drains, traffic signals, and streetlights. NCE  collected, summarized, and evaluated data from over 144,000 miles of local streets and roads and over 12,000 local bridges from 540 cities and counties in California. This represents over 80% of the state’s publicly maintained roadways. The needs assessment determined the future funding needs as well as shortfalls for the next 10 years.  

The results have been presented to a variety of audiences, including the Governor’s office, the California Transportation Commission, the State Legislature, Regional Transportation Planning Agency Planning Group, and industry representatives. The information has also been successfully used by California State Association of Counties and the League of Cities to advocate for SB 1 funding. 

California’s Local Bridges (arcgis.com) https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/92ca819dc5914f1f818a0c422a422d8f 

Report link: 

Statewide-Needs-2022-FINAL.pdf (savecaliforniastreets.org) 
