Sacramento County │ Pavement Management System Updates

Sacramento County, California

An updated pavement management system will help the County determine how much additional funds are needed and support the need for new revenue sources, e.g., sales tax.
Project Description

NCE began assisting Sacramento County with its pavement management system in 2013. The County uses StreetSaver® to manage its 2,200-mile road network but due to many years of declining revenues coupled with a growing network, did not have sufficient funding to maintain it in a state of good repair. 

NCE recently completed pavement condition surveys for the entire network, reviewed and updated all historical data, and in addition, analyzed funding sources, identified funding shortfalls, and prepared a five-year work plan for each Supervisorial District. This enabled the County to present the results to the Board of Supervisors and the public so that they understood how additional state and federal funding could be best allocated. It also allowed the County to determine the impacts of potential revenues from sales taxes, etc.